Thursday, 11 June 2015



This blog will contain three tasks. Task 1 will be about understanding the development and principles of editing. Task 2 will be about being able to prepare moving image material for editing. Task 3 will be about being able to edit moving image material. In each task, I will be explaining some of the the main things that relate to the topic of the task.

Extras: Class Tasks

The following includes some class tasks that we have conducted over the first year of the course:

Using Storyboards

To show my understanding of how to use a storyboard, I have created a mini-scenario where I dropped my phone, hoped it did not break and then finding out that it did not break. There are 6 shot numbers used in this storyboard, with 2 different shop types (Medium Close-Up and Point-of-View).


One thing that we learned in this year is what 'Slating' is and how Film and TV crew use it. During the process of making a film or television program, slating is completely necessary. Without it, the footage that they film would most likely get all muddled up, they would not know what shot is what and it will delay the process of editing etc. This is why is it compulsory to use a clapperboard when filming.

To demonstrate the use of a clapperboard, we were set a class task where we were put into teams and told to film some test shots with a clapperboard, using the correct order of words. The following is the outcome of my group's task:


1 Minute Short Film Exercise

We were set a task in class to produce a 1 minute film in a group using multiple camera shots. Our short story is about someone trying to take a college bag, which involves a college student and a security guard. Here is the outcome of what my group produced:

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